Episode 24 - Political Intrigue

Political machinations are always interesting and show much safer when you are in the cheap seats of being a reader. Keeping your head above water in a historical context may just be about keeping it on your neck…


You have to be a little bit brave to start out as a fragrance reviewer in the world of social media these days. Charlotte has recently started reviewing scents and sewing as a side hustle to expand her collection. Charlotte like to deep dive into the history of fragrances as well as offer reviews of scents that she loves. She is a fan of a skin scent, so there are a few fragrances in her collection that are not the usual names that I would reach for. In the episode we discuss her love of the Tudors, big books and how sometimes audiobooks need a really good narrator.

Available on you podcast app or listen below


Episode 25 - Joy


Episode 23 - Nightclubs and Mercenaries