Episode 12 - Secundus: Grief, Love and Longing

Sometimes it takes two episodes to get to the heart of a topic. Sometimes people just really enjoy literary critique and fragrant tangents


This is part two of what started off as a simple idea that unfurled into a three hour long discussion of scent, grief, love longing - all woven into the discussion of Annihilation. The guest is the wonderful Nuri Mc Bride who explores the intersection of olfaction and death rituals at the Death/Scent project, as well as  being co-editor of the community-focus scent culture journal Alabastron, the first edition of which is now available if you would like to find yourself a copy. If you have not has a listen to Part 1, I really recommend listen to that first before embarking on this episode.

Available on you podcast app or listen below


Episode 13 - Mentoring


Episode 11 - Primer: Grief, Love and Longing