Episode 17 - Unhinged

When the guest warns you that they are unlikely to stay on topic, you should probably listen…


Sometimes there are people that you really want to interview just because they seem like the type of person incredibly good conversation would happen with - James Elliott from Filigree & Shadow is absolutely one of these people.
Filigree & Shadow is an artisanal perfume house based in Seattle, Washington State. James has seamlessly blended a DIY political punk ethos into the world in a way that makes you surprised that it is not standard. From fundraisers with fellow perfumers to raising awareness of other small businesses, James seems to take any idea and just runs with it.
This episode is called Unhinged because James warned me about how things were going to go before I hit record, and the conversation really got away from the both of us.

Available on you podcast app or listen below

Fragrances mentioned:
My Most Meaningful Relationships - Filigree & Shadow
Rema - Filigree & Shadow
Surfer Rosa - Filigree & Shadow
Eau Savage - Dior
Notget - Filigree & Shadow
Blume - Filigree & Shadow

Books mentioned:
Anne Rice
Poppy Z. Brite
Flowers in the Attic - V.C Andrews
Clive Barker
Carrie - Stephen King
Requiem for a Dream - Hubert Shelby Jr.
The Tao of Pooh and the Te of Piglet - Benjamin Hoff

You can find out more about Filigree & Shadow via the
website - they are also on Instagram and TikTok - I thoroughly recommend following (if you are not already)

The image of James Elliott is AI generated. It’s also hilarious.

Theme music for the show was created by Raul Sanchez I Jorge. Check out his solo work on Wild Animal Records


Episode 18 - Hinged


Episode 16 - Actualisation